July 1, 2024

DEUTSCHER WERKBUND (1 oct. 1907 – 3 janv. 1934)


Was a German association of artists, architects, designers and industrialists, established in 1907 in Munich, Germany. The Werkbund became an important element in the development of modern architecture and industrial design, particularly in the later creation of the Bauhaus design school. Its initial purpose was to establish an association of product manufacturers with design professionals to improve the competitiveness of German companies in global markets. The Werkbund was less an artistic movement than a state-sponsored effort to integrate traditional handicrafts and mass industrial production techniques, to put Germany in a competitive position with England and the United States. His motto Vom Sofakissen zum Städtebau (from the cushions of the sofas to the construction of the city) indicates his interest.
The foundation of the Deutscher Werbund is considered as the moment in which the reformist ideology was definitively linked to industrial production. The members of this group developed a new approach to very rational design, which eliminated ornamentation and emphasized functionalism. With the eradication of superfluous external decoration, the elements gained simplicity and achieved greater standardization and efficiency in terms of production and materials. The "savings" benefited the user and the manufacturer, because it increased the quality of the construction and the materials. The characteristics that stand out this movement are the separation of the aesthetics of the quality of the materials, the adoption of the abstract form as the foundation of the industrial design (in substitution of the ornament), and the standardization through the DIN format. Later the Bauhaus would take this base allowing the creation of modular construction.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 oct. 1907
3 janv. 1934
~ 26 years

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