// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Pax Mongolica (1 janv. 1200 – 1 janv. 1300) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Pax Mongolica (1 janv. 1200 – 1 janv. 1300)


Time Period: (13th c. -14th c. C.E.)
Location: East Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia
VIP: Temujin (Genghis Khan- "ruler of all")

In the 12th c, Mongols were multiple clans of nomadic pastoralists living north of the GOBI DESERT in East Asia. They were also hunter-foragers and valued courage, hunting and warfare. In the 13th c, Genghis Khan established a time period called the Pax Mongolica, and ruled from the capital of KARAKORUM (near modern day Mongolia).

Different Khanate's in the Mongolian Empire:

-CHAGHATAI KHANATE- (2nd son of Genghis Khan) Changhatai Khan
-GOLDEN HORDE- Batu (grandson of G.K.)
-IL-KHANATE- Hulegu (grandson of G.K.)
-YUAN DYNASTY- Kublai (grandson of G.K.)

- patriarchy
-merchants and artisans were ranked higher than the peasants because they were skilled and promoted trade

-a mongol chieftain meeting called a KURILTAI elected the Khans
-the kings were called KHANS
-conquered JURCHENS the KARA KHITAI EMPIRE in Central Asia and the KHWARAZM EMPIRE in the west to expand his KHANTATE: kingdom
-were centralized and used as single international law for all parts of the empire

-nomadic pastoralists that carried very little(horses, yurts, and farming tools)
-made a pony express that carried oral messages

-women were more independent and had more freedoms than other women in other societies such as China, India, and Arabia.
-used a YURT--> a circular felt-covered tent that was portable
- had religious/philosophic tolerance towards Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Daoists, and Hindus as long it didn't interfere with

- protected the Silk Road to promote safe trade

-used a simple system of dividing the army into subgroups--> 10 groups of 1,000 warriors called TUMEN
-SIEGE weapons- ex. portable towers, catapults
-short bow
-used catapults for biological warfare --> used plagued corpses as ammunition
-possibly the canon
-wore pants and jackets ;)

the fall:
-became less tolerant over time and the people
-defeats of failing to conquer Japan, Indochina, Burma, Java, suggested that the Mongols weren't as strong as they once were
-WHITE LOTUS SOCIETY: a Buddhist monk named ZHU YUANZHANG started a revolt that overthrew the Yuan Dyansty and founded the MING DYNASTY (1365-1644)


-Genghis Khan
-Kara Khitai Empire
-Khwarazm Empire
-Pax Mongolica
-Tangut Empire
-Golden Horde
-Battle of Kulikovo
-Kublai Khan
-Yuan Dynasty
-White Lotus Society
-Zhu Yanzhang
-Ming Dynasty

-Gobi Desert

-siege weapons

-The Romance of the West Chamber
-Marco Polo

Ajouté au bande de temps:

14 mai 2019


1 janv. 1200
1 janv. 1300
~ 100 years

Les images: