// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Day 6: God Created 1. Cattle 2. Beasts 3. Creeping things 4. Man In His Likeness God ordered man to 1. Reproduce 2. Replenish the earth 3. Subdue the earth 4. Have dominion over all of the animals 5. Eat Fruits and Herbs that bear seeds (18 h 1 min, 19 mars 3963 ans av. J.-C. – 18 h 20 mars 3963 ans av. J.-C.) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Day 6: God Created 1. Cattle 2. Beasts 3. Creeping things 4. Man In His Likeness God ordered man to 1. Reproduce 2. Replenish the earth 3. Subdue the earth 4. Have dominion over all of the animals 5. Eat Fruits and Herbs that bear seeds (18 h 1 min, 19 mars 3963 ans av. J.-C. – 18 h 20 mars 3963 ans av. J.-C.)


Genesis 1:24-31

Origin of all Land Animals
Origin of Man
Origin of Diet

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 13 jrs


18 h 1 min, 19 mars 3963 ans av. J.-C.
18 h 20 mars 3963 ans av. J.-C.
~ 24 hours