// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. 'Just Another Day at the Office' (Novel 1.5) (17 h 34 min, 15 sept. 2003 ans – 17 h 40 min, 15 sept. 2003 ans) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

'Just Another Day at the Office' (Novel 1.5) (17 h 34 min, 15 sept. 2003 ans – 17 h 40 min, 15 sept. 2003 ans)


NOTE: The novel series doesn't fit well in the timeline when pared with Telltale's games. Because Telltale has more solid dates, evidence and less mistakes, the novels have been adjusted to fit with the July 18th outbreak date instead of starting in late September.

- Day 56
- Biters attack Woodbury.
- 'Philip Blake' saves the town and becomes the leader of Woodbury

Ajouté au bande de temps:


17 h 34 min, 15 sept. 2003 ans
17 h 40 min, 15 sept. 2003 ans
~ 6 min

Les images: