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April 1, 2024

The Long March (31 déc. 1862 – 6 déc. 1863)


In 1863 the government sent Kit Carson came to Navajo country with soldiers. His goal was to force Navajos off their land and take them to Bosque Redondo, in New Mexico.
Carson burned Navajo homes and fields, cut down fruit trees, destroyed water sources, and stole livestock.As the people began to starve, they surrendered. Soldiers forced them to walk 300 miles in bitter cold weather, with inadequate food and water. Many died or were shot when they fell behind.This horrible experience is called the Long March. The Long March ended in a bleak desert place where the people suffered from lack of food and shelter

source https://ilovehistory.utah.gov/people/first_peoples/tribes/navajo.html
Isabella Cox

Ajouté au bande de temps:


31 déc. 1862
6 déc. 1863
~ 11 months

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