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April 1, 2024

Ancient (13 avr. 3000 av. J.-C. – 18 sept. 500)


The Ancient Age is a historical time that coincides with the emergence and development of the First Civilizations (Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc.), also known as Ancient Civilizations. According to historiography, the beginning of this period is marked by the emergence of writing (circa 4000 a.c.), which also represents the end of Prehistory. According to this system of historical periodization the Old Age extends the emergence of writing, until the Fall or collapse of the Roman Empire of the West, by barbarian invasions of the fifth century. It would have had a duration of 5500 years this historical period.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

27 oct. 2017


13 avr. 3000 av. J.-C.
18 sept. 500
~ 3503 years