// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Lightning Plot (1 févr. 2017 – 28 févr. 2017) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Lightning Plot (1 févr. 2017 – 28 févr. 2017)


Auroras continue throughout the course of February, and the magnetism and electrical phenomenon which began in January will escalate to ball lightning at various times of day. These "storms" of escalated energy and lightning may and will cause damage to homes, the surrounding wilderness, and can cause injury to anyone unlucky enough to be caught within them.

The Athena pod discovered in January by Annie and Finnick may function essentially as a Faraday cage: It may only be entered when the atmospheric energy is at an ebb, but it can also provide a safe haven against said energy, should anyone happen to get stuck there.


1 home will have its roof struck by lightning, and the lightning will leave behind a clear image: A circle with a Medusa head in the middle in the ancient Greek style, as seen here. This option will require an open post for the discovery.

Up to 9 with mild to moderate damage caused by lightning. This damage should not render the home uninhabitable. Don't forget: While our homes don't have electricity running in them at present, they nonetheless have the wiring infrastructure in place.


1 severe injury, requiring immediate professional medical care and extended monitoring for up to several weeks

2 moderate injury, requiring professional medical care and some bed rest

5 minor injury, requiring "outpatient" professional medical care

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 févr. 2017
28 févr. 2017
~ 27 days