// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Early Modern Era (5 oct. 1453 – 5 févr. 1815) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Early Modern Era (5 oct. 1453 – 5 févr. 1815)


It begins with the discovery of the American continents and ends with the French revolution.

* The Fall of Constantinople by the Turks
* Secularization of science, and an age of
discovery, like the printer, the telescope, the microscope, etc.
* The Protestant Reformation
* The disastrous Thirty Years' War,
* The Commercial Revolution
* The Golden Age of Piracy.
* The Spanish Monarchy, and the Golden Age
* The European colonization of the Americas,
* The Bourbon Heritage in Spain Monarchy
until now.
* Reinansence, Baroque, and Neoclassical constructions and art periods.
* The French Revolution
* The War of 1812

Historians typically date the end of the early modern period when the French Revolution of the 1790s

Ajouté au bande de temps:


5 oct. 1453
5 févr. 1815
~ 361 years

Les images:
