// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The Reason The American Revolution is important is that it shows us how colonists would do anything to gain independence, and how they fought, allied with The French, and it brought America to how it is today. (7 h 19 min, 13 avr. 1784 ans – 20 h 50 min, 30 août 1784 ans) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

The Reason The American Revolution is important is that it shows us how colonists would do anything to gain independence, and how they fought, allied with The French, and it brought America to how it is today. (7 h 19 min, 13 avr. 1784 ans – 20 h 50 min, 30 août 1784 ans)

Ajouté au bande de temps:


7 h 19 min, 13 avr. 1784 ans
20 h 50 min, 30 août 1784 ans
~ 4 months and 19 days