June 15, 2024

Berlin Airlift (24 juin 1948 – 12 mai 1949)


Berlin the capital city was split in the same way as germany was meaning that the west berlin side was surrounded by east germany. The soviets wanted complete control over berlin and cut off all the highways and paths from west germany into west berlin. They cut off ties to creat a blockade of supplies hoping that this would cause brittian, france, and the US to leave for good but they combined resources and used military planes too airdrop food and medical supplies into west berlin. This continued for about a year until the soviets stoped the blockade. Over the course of the airlift over 2.3 million tons of cargo was airlifted into berlin

Ajouté au bande de temps:

7 juin 2018


24 juin 1948
12 mai 1949
~ 10 months

Les images: