June 15, 2024

Middle Kingdom, Dynasties 11-13 Historic events Mentuhotep reunites Egypt First obelisks erected at Heliopolis by Seusret I 11th Dynasty – God Amun-Ra rises to prominence and becomes a centre of cult at Thebes Art movements New emphasis is placed on the King as the child of a divine pair. Technology to smelt and cast bronze develops and statues flourish Women begin to appear in individual portraits People lower in social rankings began to commission statues, causing a large variation of quality Coffins imit (1 janv. 2125 av. J.-C. – 1 janv. 1650 av. J.-C.)


Historic events

Mentuhotep reunites Egypt

First obelisks erected at Heliopolis by Seusret I

11th Dynasty – God Amun-Ra rises to prominence and becomes a centre of cult at Thebes

Art movements

New emphasis is placed on the King as the child of a divine pair.

Technology to smelt and cast bronze develops and statues flourish

Women begin to appear in individual portraits

People lower in social rankings began to commission statues, causing a large variation of quality

Coffins imitating body form appear

Shabtis appear

Canopic jars with heads sculpted in human form appear

Key piece

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 2125 av. J.-C.
1 janv. 1650 av. J.-C.
~ 475 years