June 15, 2024

Mahipentan Civil War [Supported) (8 h 13 min, 10 mai 1892 ans – 12 h 20 min, 9 juill. 1896 ans)


Ètsria vs Iyanẽny/Mahipenta (+ aid from Oipienta)
Ètsria demanded independence from the Mahipentan League but Iyanẽny declined. Iyanẽny brought in aid from Harelpenta and Grossya.
Iyanẽny Victory

The Mahipentan Civil War was one of the bloodiest wars in history. Mainly for the reason of close combat and use of strategic warfare. The war left an impact on the League and Yueroki forever. Many small villages still have not been rebuilt. The war caused Mahipenta to go bankrupt in the early half of the 20th century but after the 4th Hells War, Mahipenta bounced back and has become extremely influential in the realm of trade. A lot of the fighting occurred in the Mahipentan Soleian Colonies but the majority of casaulties occured in Mainland Mahipenta.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


8 h 13 min, 10 mai 1892 ans
12 h 20 min, 9 juill. 1896 ans
~ 4 years and 2 months