June 15, 2024

Neferhotep I (2 janv. 1701 av. J.-C. – 1 janv. 1690 av. J.-C.)



Khasekhemre Neferhotep I's relative chronological position is secured thanks to the Turin king list as well as contemporary attestations. He was the successor of Sobekhotep III and predecessor of Sobekhotep IV. On the other hand, the absolute chronological position of Neferhotep I is debated, with Ryholt and Baker seeing him respectively as the 26th and 27th pharaoh of the 13th Dynasty while Detlef Franke and Jürgen von Beckerath contend that he was only the 22nd ruler. Similarly, the absolute dating of Neferhotep's reign varies by as much as 40 years between the scholars, with Kim Ryholt dating the beginning of his reign c.1740 BCE and Thomas Schneider c.1700 BCE. Ryholt is the only Egyptologist who has published a book to explain in detail how he calculated the chronology of the Second Intermediate Period including the reign of Neferhotep I109. For the internal chronology of the 13th Dynasty, Ryholt relied partly on the Turin king-list (TC) and partly on dates preserved in contemporary sources (Ryholt: 1997, 190-251). From the latter group, only dates within the first regnal year and the highest attested dates are mentioned, since only these aid in establishing the reign lengths of the individual kings. The dates within the first regnal year help to narrow the accession date of the kings within the civil year. According to the historical sequence of kings of Byblos is known110 (Nigro: 2009, 159-175), Neferhotep I was a contemporary of Yantin-Ammu (1695-1670) since there was found at Byblos a relief showing Pharaoh Neferhotep I opposite Prince Yantin-(‘Ammu) of Byblos. In addition, in a letter dated the 9th year of Zimri-Lim (1680-1667), the name Yantin-Ammu appears as the donor of a gold cup (Ryholt: 1997, 87-88).

Ajouté au bande de temps:


2 janv. 1701 av. J.-C.
1 janv. 1690 av. J.-C.
~ 11 years