// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Freedom Rides (6 h 10 min, 4 mars 1961 ans – 2 h 20 min, 10 déc. 1961 ans) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Freedom Rides (6 h 10 min, 4 mars 1961 ans – 2 h 20 min, 10 déc. 1961 ans)


The freedom rides were a series of bus rides taken by an interracial group of civil rights protestors through the deep south. Each time a bus of freedom riders entered a city, it was attacked by angry racists. Some busses were firebombed, riders were hospitalized, all because they believed in equality. The violent responses from the racists made them look terrible to the rest of the country, turning most of the country anti-segregation.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

8 mai 2018


6 h 10 min, 4 mars 1961 ans
2 h 20 min, 10 déc. 1961 ans
~ 9 months

Les images: