// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The warehousing era Reason: protecting society and led to a rapid decline of decarceration initiative. Example: 70% of young adults paroled from prison in 22 states during 1978 were rearrested for serious crimes within 6 years of their release. (1 janv. 1980 – 9 avr. 1988) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

The warehousing era Reason: protecting society and led to a rapid decline of decarceration initiative. Example: 70% of young adults paroled from prison in 22 states during 1978 were rearrested for serious crimes within 6 years of their release. (1 janv. 1980 – 9 avr. 1988)

Ajouté au bande de temps:

19 mars 2023


1 janv. 1980
9 avr. 1988
~ 8 years and 3 months