June 15, 2024

Antef VII (2 janv. 1554 av. J.-C. – 1 janv. 1545 av. J.-C.)


Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gérard GERTOUX

The only major incident during the period before the “Hyksos' war” is recorded in a decree of Antef VII217 (1555-1545), a predecessor of Seqenenre, the in absentia impeachment of Teti, viceroy of Kush, who had fomented a rebellion218: Year 3, III Peret 25, under the Majesty, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nebkheperre son of Ra, Antef [VII] (...) that one ignores now his name in the temple (...) rebel and enemy of God, his writings have to be destroyed (...) any king or powerful governor who will be merciful to him will not be able to receive the white crown [Upper Egypt] anymore, he will not bear the Red Crown [Lower Egypt], he will not sit on the throne of Horus [Egypt] of living beings, the two Mistresses will not be favourable to him. These remarks illustrate the political situation at the time: kings of the 17th Dynasty had authority over Egypt but they had delegated a part of Upper Egypt to vassal Kings of Kush and a part of Lower Egypt to Kings of foreign Lands, the Theban kings of the 16th dynasty, such as Mentuhotepi (1567- 1566) who wrote: one in whose governance people (can) live, one who functions as king [...] of victorious Thebes! I am a king native of Thebes, this city of mine, mistress of the entire land, city of triumph219. Relationships between Egyptian and Hyksos kings were peaceful, as evidenced by the fact that stones of Senakhtenra's monument in Thebes come from Tura, near Memphis, which proves that the Egyptian kingdoms (16th and 17th Dynasties) maintained trade and peaceful relations, reversing a so-called rivalry220.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


2 janv. 1554 av. J.-C.
1 janv. 1545 av. J.-C.
~ 9 years

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