June 15, 2024

War of Chioggia (1 janv. 1377 – 1 janv. 1381)


In 1376, Venice bought the strategically positioned island of Tenedos from Byzantine Emperor John V, threatening Genoese access to the Black Sea. The Genoese decide to help John's son Andronikos IV to the throne in return for the island, prompting a new war, and Genoa is unable to take Tenedos at first in 1377. However, Genoa gains the support of Venetian rivals Hungary, Austria, Aquileia but mostly Padua, while Venice allied with Milan, who threatened Genoa from the mainland and the Kingdom of Cyprus. In 1378, a Genoese fleet invades the Adriatic and defeats the Venetians at Pula in 1379, capturing port of Chioggia, but failing to break into Venetian lagoon. In 1379, the Venetians sank blockships at the harbor of Chioggia, trapping the Genoese fleet. A new Genoese fleet assembled in the Adriatic but was unable to break through and relieve Chioggia. The forces trapped inside were forced to surrender in 1380. Fighting continued between the two until in 1381 when the two sides negotiated peace in Turin. Venice only secured peace by agreeing to evacuate Tenedos, recognize Genoese supremacy in Cyprus, surrender Treviso, and pay an annual tribute to Hungary, while Genoa made no significant concessions. The war was financially disastrous, with Venice severely debilitated, but took advantage of the weakness of its mainland rivals to redress its losses.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

2 déc. 2022


1 janv. 1377
1 janv. 1381
~ 4 years