June 15, 2024

The Itian Revolution (27 nov 1961 – 6 août 1962)


Itian revolutionaries vs Mecerek
Since the annexation of Iti by Mecerek, the Itian people had been struggling by the empire's control. Various oppressive actions were taken out by Mecerek agains the Itians after the Xerion Uprising and this forced the idea of revolution for the Itian people.
Itian favored White peace
the Itian provinces gained more autonomy but not independence

The revolution horribly crippled Mecerek's economy as the empire had to deal with the revolution, the War with Nuomdeim, and a dramatically lowered amount of trade due to the War of the Black and Red. This allowed the itians to gain a strong holding in the fight.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 16 jrs


27 nov 1961
6 août 1962
~ 8 months