June 15, 2024

War Preparations by Xerxes (1 janv. 485 av. J.-C. – 1 avr. 480 av. J.-C.)


Queen Esther wife of Xerxes Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gerard Gertoux

War preparations are dated 485 to 481 BCE (= year 11 to 15 of Xerxes). The book of Esther describes some events in the 12th year of Ahasuerus (Esther 3:7). According to this text, Xerxes makes a corvée on earth and the islands of the Sea (Esther 10:1), which refers to the islands of the Eastern Mediterranean and the maritime regions of the empire. The Hebrew word mas can be translated as "tribute" or "forced labour", but since the regions in question were already paying tribute, the translation "forced labour" is more
appropriate. Xerxes prepared his expedition against Greece for 4 whole years, creating storage and building an impressive fleet of about 1,200 fighting ships and 2000 transport vessels. These preparations are to be linked with the passage from the Book of Esther. The expedition of Xerxes is dated 480 BCE. Yet Herodotus states: From the date of submission of Egypt, Xerxes took 4 whole years to assemble his army and supplies needed and he took the field at the end of the 5th year [spring 480 BCE], with immense forces (The Histories VII:20). A document called “customs registry” contains accounts of maritime traffic from the port of Memphis231 (or Naucratis) showing the amount of customs duty payable to the "king's house." These important contributions which were sent to the Persian king are dated from 11th to 15th year of Xerxes232. A royal receipt dated year 13 of Xerxes233 (10/I/13) also mentions these requisitions.


Esther 10

10 King Ahasuerus imposed tax on the land and on the coastlands of the sea. 2 And all the acts of his power and might, and the full account of the high honor of Mordecai, to which the king advanced him, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia? 3 For Mordecai the Jew was second in rank to King Ahasuerus, and he was great among the Jews and popular with the multitude of his brothers, for he sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace to all his people.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 485 av. J.-C.
1 avr. 480 av. J.-C.
~ 4 years and 9 months