// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Elizabethan Era (1558 - 1603 CE) (17 nov 1558 – 24 mars 1603) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Elizabethan Era (1558 - 1603 CE) (17 nov 1558 – 24 mars 1603)


The “Elizabethan Era” is often regarded as the Golden Age of English Literature. During the time when Queen Elizabeth I reigned (1558 – 1603 CE), the English Renaissance occurred. Arts and philosophy from the ancient Greeks and Romans were brought back and flourished, introducing numerous loan words from Greek and Latin (e.g., anonymous, concept, system, etc.). In addition, great advancements were also made in technology and the sciences during this era, with word describing these advancements also being added into the English vocabulary. Notably, it was also the period in which Shakespeare lived and wrote plays, thus it is often also called the "Age of Shakespeare".

Ajouté au bande de temps:


17 nov 1558
24 mars 1603
~ 44 years