July 1, 2024

Ukrainian State (Українська Держава Ukrainska Derzhava) (29 avr. 1918 – 13 déc. 1918)


The Ukrainian State (Ukrainian: Українська Держава, romanized: Ukrainska Derzhava), sometimes also called the Second Hetmanate (Ukrainian: Другий Гетьманат, romanized: Druhyi Hetmanat), was an anti-socialist government that existed on most of the modern territory of Ukraine (except for West Ukraine) from 29 April to 14 December 1918.

It was installed by German military authorities after the socialist-leaning Central Council of the Ukrainian People's Republic was dispersed on 28 April 1918. Ukraine turned into a provisional dictatorship of Hetman of Ukraine Pavlo Skoropadskyi, who outlawed all socialist-oriented political parties, creating an anti-Bolshevik front. It collapsed in December 1918, when Skoropadskyi was deposed and the Ukrainian People's Republic returned to power in the form of the Directorate.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


29 avr. 1918
13 déc. 1918
~ 7 months

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