June 15, 2024

WWI (28 juill. 1914 – 11 nov 1918)


Theme: WAR

First World War sees an improvement in the position of workers and unions; the government negotiates with unions through the National War Labor Board (NWLB).

- increased real wages (rose by 20%) and raised the standard of living for workers
- increased demand in production (heavy industry e.g. weapons warships etc.) opportunity for employers to increase their profits and meant they were more lenient and happy to listen to unions and compromise
- workers rights and conditions improved: government intervention, NWLB - strikes avoided by putting in place the potential for negotiation
- NWLB was a government body that recognised the unions as representing workers and guaranteed their right to join a union in return for a no-strike policy and cooperation
- employers responded positively and introduced an 8 hour day
- encouraged government intervention in the economy (first example), this was good for workers as the government had to get involved to ensure production is on a war level
- increased union membership
- African Americans and women getting work was seen as a negative as it was believed they brought down wages as they would work for less
- Coppage v. Kansas passed by the Supreme Court
- gains often temporary

Ajouté au bande de temps:


28 juill. 1914
11 nov 1918
~ 4 years and 3 months