// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Web 2.0 (1 janv. 2004 – 1 janv. 2016) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Web 2.0 (1 janv. 2004 – 1 janv. 2016)


Web 2.0 refers to worldwide websites which highlight user-generated content, usability, and interoperability for end users. Web 2.0 is also called the participative social web. It does not refer to a modification to any technical specification, but to modify the way Web pages are designed and used. The transition is beneficial but it does not seem that when the changes occur. Interaction and collaboration with each other are allowed by Web 2.0 in a social media dialogue as the creator of user-generated content in a virtual community. Web 1.0 is an enhanced version of Web 2.0.

The web browser technologies are used in Web 2.0 development and it includes AJAX and JavaScript frameworks. Recently, AJAX and JavaScript frameworks have become a very popular means of creating web 2.0 sites.

Five major features of Web 2.0:

Free sorting of information, permits users to retrieve and classify the information collectively.
Dynamic content that is responsive to user input.
Information flows between the site owner and site users by means of evaluation & online commenting.
Developed APIs to allow self-usage, such as by a software application.
Web access leads to concern different, from the traditional Internet user base to a wider variety of users.
Usage of Web 2.0 –

The social Web contains a number of online tools and platforms where people share their perspectives, opinions, thoughts and experiences. Web 2.0 applications tend to interact much more with the end user. As such, the end user is not only a user of the application but also a participant by these 8 tools mentioned below:

Curating with RSS
Social bookmarking
Social networking
Social media
Web content voting

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 2004
1 janv. 2016
~ 12 years

Les images: