// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Howard Staunton (1810–1874) (1 avr. 1810 – 22 juill. 1874) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Howard Staunton (1810–1874) (1 avr. 1810 – 22 juill. 1874)


An English chess master who is generally regarded as the world's strongest player from 1843 to 1851, largely as a result of his 1843 victory over Pierre Charles Fournier de Saint-Amant.

He promoted a chess set of clearly distinguishable pieces of standardized shape – the Staunton pattern that is still the style required for competitions.

He was the principal organizer of the first international chess tournament in 1851.

From 1840 onward he became a leading chess commentator.

There was a famous controversy between Staunton and Paul Morphy for the the failure of negotiations in 1858 to set up a chess match between the two.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

11 juil. 2022


1 avr. 1810
22 juill. 1874
~ 64 years
