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April 1, 2024

The Black Death (12 oct. 1347 – 23 mai 1900)


The bubonic plague also known as the back death, was a bubonic plague that devastated the families of 25 million people throughout the continents of Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. It started in 1346 and ended in 1352 even though every 10-20 years it would come back only fully ending in the 18th century. The bubonic plague got its name because after getting it people would get big lymph nodes (also known as buboes) around their entire body. People would get this plague from the bite of an infected flea; the fleas would normally feast on the rats living in people's houses and when the rats died the fleas would start biting the people that lived there. The bacteria that came from the bite would multiply the lymph nodes where the bacteria got in. Although it started in Europe, it did reach the United States, but not until 1900 where it was brought over by rat infested ships killing over 172 people.

by Elizabeth and edited by Cara.


Ajouté au bande de temps:


12 oct. 1347
23 mai 1900
~ 552 years