June 15, 2024

The Trade Depression (22 août 1680 – 6 oct. 1685)


The Trade Depression was started from the extreme reforms made by both Emperor Ẁof Notetstok and Empress Aelev Notetstok to limit the power of the Javician merchant class. The executions and banishments of many wealthy merchant families also allowed and influenced the crisis too. During this depression, the Javician economy was highly focused on the trade of goods done primarily by traders and merchant families but was shifted to local trading in Yueroki, slowing down colonization and focus on the colonies owned by Javicia. However, the multiple colonial wars resulted in harsher treatment in the natives of the New World. The push for the return of the merchant families was greeted by strong noble resistance. Instead, the Javician Slave Trade was attempted by the noble families to make up for and reestablish the economy, but ultimatly failed during the Slave Revolt of Yisorov Island in the 1690s. However, Emperor Javik Notetstok finally declared an end to the depression when he began to invite banished merchant family members back to Javicia. This allowed for the restablishment of the merchant class and for foreign trade. The Javician Slave Trade also returned, but not as much as before the depression. The noble families were furious with Javik for his supposed betrayal to the noble class and he was killed in a plot to put his sister, Nongpã. Although she did support a strong merchant class and a more limited noble class, she did not kill her brother for these reasons. Instead she killed him for her racial views against the native Soleian people.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


22 août 1680
6 oct. 1685
~ 5 years