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April 1, 2024

The Ehalde Crisis (12 juill. 1671 – 11 août 1671)


Virasema vs Krilkot
Border dispute for the lands in Northern Krilkot
Viraseman victory
Virasema gained control over the Ehalde region.

The crisis started by Viraseman troops traveling to Ehalde through Krilkotian lands. Previously, the troops had to get a royal escort in order to travel towards the enclave. The troops were met by Krilkotian soldiers outside the border of Ehalde and were attacked. However, Krilkot could not focus on another war and so they gave territory to Virasema in order to create a corridor for their troops to Ehalde.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 4 jrs


12 juill. 1671
11 août 1671
~ 1 months