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April 1, 2024

The Flood (17 oct. 2370 av. J.-C. – 27 oct. 2369 av. J.-C.)


The catastrophic destruction of men and animals by an overwhelming flood in the days of Noah, 2370 B.C.E. This greatest cataclysm in all human history was sent by Jehovah because wicked men had filled the earth with violence. The survival of righteous Noah and his family, eight souls in all, together with selected animals, was by means of a huge ark, or chest.​—Ge 6:9–9:19; 1Pe 3:20; see ARK No. 1; NOAH No. 1.

Noah and his family entered the ark in the 600th year of Noah’s life, the 2nd month (October-November), the 17th day. (Ge 7:11) One year later (a year consisting of 360 days) was the 17th day, 2nd month, 601st year. Ten days after that would be the 27th day of the 2nd month, when they came out; a total of 370 days, or parts of 371 separate days, spent in the ark.

it-1 pp. 609-612

Ajouté au bande de temps:

9 janv. 2022


17 oct. 2370 av. J.-C.
27 oct. 2369 av. J.-C.
~ 11 months