// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Cocoliztli Epidemic (19 janv. 1545 – 19 janv. 1576) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Cocoliztli Epidemic (19 janv. 1545 – 19 janv. 1576)


This epidemic appeared in Mexico and devastated the Natives. When the Spanish Conquistadors set sail to New Spain they brought with them the disease known as Salmonella. The natives called the disease Cocoliztli meaning "pestilence", the disease wiped out 80% of the native population. It killed up to 15 million people, the disease caused it's victim's to get high fevers, quick faint pulses, abundant bleeding from orifices, dark urine, black tongue, and caused dysentery. People died within three to four days. The disease was transmitted through any water or food contaminated by the strand of Salmonella.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

8 févr. 2018


19 janv. 1545
19 janv. 1576
~ 31 years