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April 1, 2024

Reforming papacy of Leo IX (12 févr. 1049 – 19 avr. 1054)


German emperor Henry III places his kinsman on the papal throne. Both men were champions of reform. Leo demands that the clergy shoild be celibate and dismisses bishops who had bought offices. In 1049 he held a council at Rheims (first pope to visit France in 171 years) and excommunicated those bishops who stayed away. He condemned the bishop of Seez for accidentally burning down his cathedral, the bishop of Coutances for buying his position. William's marriage to Matilda also forbidden for being too close.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

5 févr. 2018


12 févr. 1049
19 avr. 1054
~ 5 years and 2 months