June 15, 2024

The Great Oipientian Depression (27 janv. 1904 – 27 mars 1913)


The Great Oipientian Depression was a major economic depression that occurred in Oipienta, Mahipenta, and Harelpenta but mainly Oipienta. It was started by the 1904 Kueplios Stock Crash, where around 11 millions stocks were sold on January 27, 1904. This was followed by multiple series of crashes in Mahipenta and Harelpenta and more in Oipienta. Tothek of Oipienta was largely blamed for the depression as he only added to the problem more. He bought lavish estates, built numerous palaces across the country, and never bothered with finding more jobs for his people. This led tot he creation of the Haddakuist Oipientian Party, who caused even more damage to the economy with multiple revolts across Oipienta. Mahipenta suffered largely as Oipienta was their largest trading partner but this made Mahipenta start to seek for more domestic products and created new jobs in a matter of 3 years. Harelpenta was already in an instable state but the depression helped strengthen the tensions there. Hundreds of revolts and independence movements occurred and the depression never truly ended for Harelpenta until the collapse of the country. After Tothek's death, Ssa'iivachoi obtained a horrible problem that only got worse, but with the start of the Fourth Hells War, Ssa'iivachoi was able to turn the economy around with large military productions and selligns to their allies. The war helped rebuild Oipienta and war bonds as well.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


27 janv. 1904
27 mars 1913
~ 9 years and 2 months