June 15, 2024

American school cafeteria lunches (1 janv. 1910 – 1 janv. 1929)


"By 1912, over forty cities had lunch programs in their elementary schools...[1913] The NYAICP [New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor] was to serve 600,000 meals for a year for only one penny a meal. But private agencies could not afford to subsidize the programs on the scale thought necessary, particularly in the face of rising food prices...Various reformers took up the call for municipal support for school lunch programs...In New York City, the board of education would finance only some of the necessary equipment for the program, which after two years served but 35 of the city's 500 schools..."

"A...powerful influence of the food habits if American children was the school lunchroom. Up until the twentieth century, most city kids returned from school each day for a home-cooked meal. That began to change as more and more women found work outside the home, leaving their kids to fend for themselves. With no one to feed them, the kids were given two or three pennies to buy lunch from a local pushcart or delicatessen. In 1908, a group of citizens....founded the New York School Lunch Committee, a charity that provided three-penny lunches to undernourished children. In place of pickles and candy--the typical pushcart meal--the committee provided hot soups and stew for two cents a serving, and one-penny treats like rice pudding or baked sweet potato. The school lunch committee lasted through World War I, but in 1920, responsibility for feeding the city's children shifted to the Board of Education. Calls to Americanize the foreign-born revergerated through government offices.....the Board of Education looked to the school lunchroom to Americanize the immigrant palate."

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 1910
1 janv. 1929
~ 19 years

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