June 15, 2024

Hebron Founded until Tanis Founded = 7 yrs [Nb 13:22] (1 janv. 1963 av. J.-C. – 1 janv. 1957 av. J.-C.)


Numbers 13:22 Hebron was built seven years before Zoan [Tanis] in Egypt.


Brittanica: Tanis, biblical Zoan, modern Ṣān al-Ḥajar al-Qibliyyah, ancient city in the Nile River delta

Gen 23:2 And Sarah died at Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan

Gertoux, Gérard. Sarah wife of Abraham Fairy tale or real history? Outcome of the Investigation.

According to Genesis 23:2, the city called Kiryat-arba “City of four” was renamed Hebron “Confederation” by Abraham. The name of Tanis, ṣo‘an in Hebrew (Tsoân), means “moving tents”, whereas in Egyptian da‘an (Djaân) does not mean anything.

According to archaeologists, Amenemhat I built Bubastis, Khatana (Qantir) and Tanis (Grimal: 1988, 212) and according to the Bible, Tanis (San el-Hagar), former capital of the Hyksos (Ps 78:12,43), was founded in 1957 BCE, 7 years after Hebron (Nb 13:22). The chronological agreement is excellent. Tanis was founded by Abram because its name, Ṣo‘an in Hebrew, means “moving tents” (Is 33:20), whereas in Egyptian Da‘an (Djaân) does not mean anything. Qantir is believed to mark what was probably the ancient site of Ramses II's great capital, Pi-Ramses or Per-Ramses. The ancient site of Avaris is about 2 km south of Qantir, later on, Avaris was absorbed by Pi-Ramses. Tanis' history is very poorly known. In the Report of Wenamon (c. 1085 BCE) Tanis is written Da‘an, however in The Pleasures of Fishing and Fowling (c. 1400 BCE) we read (line 14): Seḫet-Da‘aw “Field of Tanis” (Caminos: 1956: 19-20), the same expression as in Psalm 78, which appears in the sequence [Sḫt]-D‘w (Fields of Tanis), Ḥwt-w‘rt (Avaris), Rḫty (?). It is precisely the same sequence: Sḫt- D‘(n), Ḥwt-w‘rt, Rḫtt that we find in the geographical procession in Ramses II's temple. The 400 Year Stela, found at Tanis, is a large slab of stone erected (c. 1280 BCE) by Ramses II to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the reign of the god “Seth, Great of Power, the Ombite (the Baal “Lord” of the Hyksos)”. A paleographical study of the name D‘(n) shows that this toponym must go back to the end of the Old Kingdom (Yoyotte: 1982-1983, 220). The city of Tanis must have been founded at the beginning of the 12th dynasty because the statues of almost all the sovereigns of this dynasty, including Amenemhat I, remained there in that city. However, apart from the doorways erected in Bubastis, Khatana and Wadi Natrûn, Amenemhat did not leave any other buildings in the Delta (Habachi: 1954, 443-458). From an inscription unearthed in Khatana, alongside a statue depicting Amenemhat sitting, it is clear that the king was responsible for erecting a building here to which the door gave entrance. In addition one of the officials who lived under the reign of Amenemhat made a stela in which the 3rd line reads: year 20[? under] the majesty of... that enables us to date the building to 1957 BCE, exactly the same date as the biblical chronology. Seeing that the doorway is still in its original place and that during the reigns of Amenemhat I and Senwosret III, who were concerned with the doorway, the district was flourishing. Given that the doorway is still lying near its original place, we can suppose it was the same for Tanis where there was also a statue depicting Amenemhat I sitting.

Gertoux, Gérard (2015). Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence

Tanis is founded 7 years after Hebron (Nb 13:22)

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 1963 av. J.-C.
1 janv. 1957 av. J.-C.
~ 6 years