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April 1, 2024

DR. ANNE LISE KJAER's predictions for the future (23 h 41 min, 24 janv. 2018 ans – 31 déc. 2068)


According to Dr. Anne Lise Kjaer, founder of London-based trend forecasting agency Kjaer Global:
"The World Health Organization predicts that chronic diseases will account for almost three-quarters of all deaths worldwide by 2020, so the evolution of M-Health (mobile diagnostics, bio-feedback and personal monitoring) is set to revolutionize treatment of conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Apps designed by medical professionals will provide efficient real-time feedback, tackle chronic conditions at a much earlier stage, and help to improve the lifestyles and life outcomes of communities in the developed and developing world.
This improvement to our physical well-being is exciting, but what excites me even more is the parallel development of apps that meet our under-served mental health needs."

Ajouté au bande de temps:

25 janv. 2018


23 h 41 min, 24 janv. 2018 ans
31 déc. 2068
~ 50 years

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