June 15, 2024

[14] Reign of Ẁof Noteṡtok (20 oct. 1653 – 1 mai 1670)


Before becoming emperor, Ẁof Noteṡtokwas a very successful soldier and captain in the Javician Army. He fought as a soldier during the Oblivepo War and as a captain in the First Simesentana War. He also was brought in to help with strategies for the Second Simesentana War. For his actions during the First Simesentana War, he was granted a holding in the north of the Duchy of Eastern Larifya.

Nicknamed Ẁof the Able because of his victory agains Emperor Tsebda during a duel for the title of Emperor of Javicia. Ẁof held many beliefs regarding the Javician Caste system and did not approve of the merchant classes rise in power and how they were the most influential beings regarding the economy and the Javician trade networks. He passed multiple laws to limit the powers of the merchant class but tried to stay away from hurting the economy. He exiled some members of large, wealthy merchant families to signify that they still did not have full power or influence on the noble class. Ẁof lifted some limits on the powers of the nobles and pushed them to start their own trading companies and to patron for new arts to flaunt their wealth and power. He encouraged the noble class to create their own trade networks.

Emperor Ẁof was not a big supporter of the Oipientixian clergy and tried to limit their power but ultimatley failed. He wrote many letters to his brother regarding his ideas and beliefs of the church and he strongly supported the separation of church and state.

He also changed the rules of succession from male-preference primogeniture to absolute primogeniture, allowing his only child, Aelev Notetstok to become his successor.

Eventually, Emperor Ẁof the Able decided to retire from the roles of Emperor and transfer his power all to his daughter. The reason for his retirement was mainly regarding his injuries substained from his battle with smallpox.

Historically, he has been viewed pretty positively, having liberalized much of the empire, but also enlarging the power of the nobility and growing the divide between classes. He also began the process of separating church and state.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


20 oct. 1653
1 mai 1670
~ 16 years