June 15, 2024

Birmingham protests (2 avr. 1963 – 3 mai 1963)


This was a campaign of protests lead by MLK Jr, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human RIghts that aimed to bring down the city's segregation system. The campaign began with direct action, lunch counter sit-ins, marches on city hall, and a byocott of downtown merchants. As the number fo volunteers grew the efforts expanded to include kneeling at churches, sitins at the library, and a march on the county building. ON April 10th the city government got a state circuit court injunction against the protests which they decided to ignore. On April 12 King was arrested and it was then tht he wrote "Letter from Birmingham Jail". ON May 2nd more than 1000 african american students tried to march into downtown. When they gathered again the next day Bull COnnor told local police and fire departments to end the protests with force. The images of children being attakced by police officers adn dogs and being sprayed by fore hoses put national pressure on the Whte House who ultimately sent Burke Marshall to begin negotiations. This took place in Birminham, Alabama and resulted in the reomval of "white only" and "black only" signs as well as the desegregation of lunch counters.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


2 avr. 1963
3 mai 1963
~ 1 months