// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Edward invited to be co-ruler/regent by Harthacnut (1 janv. 1041 – 19 h 8 juin 1042 ans) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Edward invited to be co-ruler/regent by Harthacnut (1 janv. 1041 – 19 h 8 juin 1042 ans)


Harthacnut invited Edward from Normandy to be co-ruler with him. He arrives at Hurst Head in Southampton, to be met by 'the thegns of all England'. He is forced to make a pledge of good governance by those present. Reasons given for Edward's return are:
1, Brotherly love (but they had never met)
2, Coercion from nobles following unpopular taxes
3, By 1041 Harthacnut may have been terminally ill. Harthacnut may have needed him to act as regent and then take over as successor.
Edward brings with him Robert, the former abbot of Jumieges, who becomes his most trusted councillor till he is deposed in September 1052, as well as two other churchmen, Hermann and Leofric.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

5 févr. 2018


1 janv. 1041
19 h 8 juin 1042 ans
~ 1 years and 5 months