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April 1, 2024

Battle of Chancellorsville (30 avr. 1863 – 6 mai 1863)


April 30 - May 6, 1863: The Battle of Chancellorsville was one of the most important battles for Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee because it became known as his greatest victory. He and his army battled a Union army twice the size of their army. Without knowing what would happen, he split his army into two to surprise and attack the Union army. After the attack, the Union was forced to retreat. This was an important battle in the Civil War because it showed the Union that even thought the Confederacy are half their size, they can still win a battle.

Information - http://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/battle-of-chancellorsville

Picture - http://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/battle-of-chancellorsville

Ajouté au bande de temps:

2 févr. 2018


30 avr. 1863
6 mai 1863
~ 6 days

Les images: