June 15, 2024

Cambodian Genocide (17 avr. 1975 – 7 janv. 1979)


As Cambodia’s neighboring nation fought the Vietnam War, Cambodians decided to avoid getting involved. America, however, bombed Cambodia in hopes to stop Vietnam from transporting supplies and troops. With communism on the rise, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge overthrew the government. Instilling fear among citizens, two million evacuated on foot, as they were forced on death marches. Attempting to create a classless agrarian utopia, educated Cambodians, minority groups, and Buddhist Monks were targeted and executed. Most extreme torture took place at Tuol Sleng, a secret prison. Everyone was to start from scratch, meaning religion was banned and everyone was to live the same, equal life. Citizens were forced to wear the same color, build their own homes, and participate in hard, laborious work. Many died of disease and malnutrition. The genocide finally came to an end when Vietnam invaded Cambodia, and overthrew the Khmer Rouge. In the time it took to overthrow Pol Pot, an estimated 1.5 to 3 million Cambodians lives were taken.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


17 avr. 1975
7 janv. 1979
~ 3 years and 8 months

Les images:
