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April 1, 2024

Spanish American War (20 avr. 1898 – 10 déc. 1898)


Spain controlled only a few colonies such as, Guam, the Philippines, Puerto Rice, Cuba, and some outposts in Africa. The United States had had interest in Cuba for a while. The New York Journal published a letter they had received that criticized the U.S President. A few days later the U.S ship the U.S.S Maine blew up in Havana. More than 260 people died. The first battle of the war took place on the Philippine Islands. Many people volunteered to fight in the war, such as the Rough Riders. The most famous battle of the war was San Juan Hill. Spanish fleet attempted to escape American blockade in Santiago, but failed. This ended in destruction and the U.S invaded Puerto Rico. The United States and Spain met to sign the Treaty of Paris. Spain turned over Puerto Rico and Guam, while freeing Cuba. They also sold the U.S the Philippines.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

23 janv. 2018


20 avr. 1898
10 déc. 1898
~ 7 months

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