June 15, 2024

Reign of Justin I (23 sept. 518 – 1 août 527)


Justin I (2 February 450 – 1 August 527) was the Eastern Roman Emperor from 518 to 527. He rose through the ranks of the army to become commander of the imperial guard, and when Emperor Anastasius died he out-maneuvered his rivals and was elected as his successor, in spite of being almost 70 years old. His reign is significant for the founding of the Justinian dynasty that included his eminent nephew Justinian I and three succeeding emperors. His consort was Empress Euphemia.

He was noted for his strongly orthodox Christian views. This facilitated the ending of the Acacian schism between the churches of Rome and Constantinople, resulting in good relations between Justin and the papacy. Throughout his reign he stressed the religious nature of his office and passed edicts against various Christian groups seen at the time as non-Orthodox. In foreign affairs he used religion as an instrument of state. He endeavoured to cultivate client states on the borders of the Empire, and avoided any significant warfare until late in his reign.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


23 sept. 518
1 août 527
~ 8 years and 10 months

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