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April 1, 2024

The Great Schism (1 janv. 1378 – 1 janv. 1417)


After Gregory's death, the Cardinals in Roome elected the Italian archbishop, Urban, who immediately announced his intention to reform the Curia. However, this caused the French Cardinals wanting to recall the papacy to Avignon. Starting the Great Schism. After 30 years of no resolve, the Cardinals of each pope converted another council of their own in Pisa 1409. Here they deposed both the Roman and Avignon popes and elected Alexander V as the one pope, even though Urban and Clement both refused to step down. John XXIII summoned a new council in Constance in 1414, which the pope Gregory XII also recognized. Here, the council asserted its supremacy and elected a new pope, Martin V, after the three contending popes had either resigned or been deposed.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 1378
1 janv. 1417
~ 39 years