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April 1, 2024

Dantes Divine Comedy (1 janv. 1310 – 1 janv. 2020)


The Divine Comedy recounts the travels of Dante Alighieri's Pilgrim.

the character who he plays during his adventure is called Everyman (a figure with whom every reader can relate). He retells his travels through three regions: Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise.

His goal is to reach spiritual maturity and an understanding of God's love.

When Dante first published his work he simply called it “The Comedy of Dante Alighieri,” in Latin, of course.

His readers were so enraptured by the work that “divine” was added to the title to express their admiration for it.

It's called a comedy because it has happy, as opposed to a tragic ending.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 1310
1 janv. 2020
~ 710 years

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