April 1, 2024

French revolution (14 juill. 1789 – 9 nov 1799)


In France under the ancient regime (old order) there were three Estates (classes), the First Estate was the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church who owned lots of land but did not pay taxes, the Second Estate was the nobles who did not pay taxes and lived off the work of peasants, the Third Estate was remaining 95% of the population, it included urban middle classes, workers, peasants. The Third Estate was the only estate that paid taxes and the country was run by Louis XVI.

By 1789 France was bankrupt so they decided the solution was to tax the rich. Unsurprisingly this didn’t go down well with the First and Second Estates so the king was forced to call a meeting of the Estate general, the nobles and clergy assumed that this meant they would most likely keep their previous rights because of tradition but Louis XVI granted the Third Estate double the representatives.
When the meeting began the Third Estate showed up and called themselves the National Assembly and refused to disperse, instead they wrote a new constitution.

Tension increased as there were food shortages as a result of massive crop failure and mobs filled the streets of the city. On the 14th of July mobs stormed the Bastille which lead to the outbreak of the French revolution. On the 14th of September 1991 the king officially signed the new constitution. The National Assembly soon took control of the country, over time they changed their name to first the Legislative Assembly then later to the National Convention.
The reign of terror was a period during the French revolution that lasted from 1793 to 1794, during this time anyone suspected of treason was executed via guillotine, after this period ended there was a new government formed called The Directory. The French revolution continued even after the new constitution was signed not everyone was included in practically people of colour and woman. Until Napoleon took over and declared himself the emperor.


This event did change the social structure of France as well as the political structure, it meant that there was more ideas of equality and this event did help shape the governments we see in parts of Europe today. Even though this revolution ended with Napoleon rising and there was still a type of monarchy, the thoughts and ideas that revolution brought did not die.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

21 févr. 2020


14 juill. 1789
9 nov 1799
~ 10 years
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