// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Weimar Republic (9 nov 1918 – 30 janv. 1933) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Weimar Republic (9 nov 1918 – 30 janv. 1933)


After the German Empire was defeated in World War I, Germany became a republic, but it was still called "Deutsches Reich" (German Empire). Today it is called the Weimar Republic and this period is called the Weimar period, because the constitution was made in the city of Weimar.

The German adults wanted power in democracy, therefore the weimar republic was created.

Germany was required to create a new republic and constitution as they had been defeated in WW1

The Weimar Republic became Germany’s government after World War 1 due to Kaiser Wilhelm ll’s abdication. They resolved issues within Germany and they worked like our government’s do today.

Hitler began to rise in a sense of power as the Weimar Republic allowed all the chaos. This makes them partially responsible Adolf Hitler's behaviour making them partially responsible for World War ll.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

2 mars 2020


9 nov 1918
30 janv. 1933
~ 14 years