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April 1, 2024

Ron's 2nd year at Hogwarts (1 sept. 1992 – 30 juin 1993)


Flying car delivered them. His wand broke when they landed in the Whomping Willow. Chamber of Secrets was opened. Discovered that Harry could speak parseltoungue and is being accused of opening the Chamber. Hermione brews a polyjuice potion, N.E.W.T level potion, and disguise as Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle to see if Draco Malfoy knows who opened the Chamber. His younger sister, Ginny Weasley actually opened it and could possibly die until she was saved by Harry. 1st wand broke and D.A.D.A teacher Lockhart used it and obligated himself when meaning the spell for Harry and Ron.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

5 janv. 2020


1 sept. 1992
30 juin 1993
~ 10 months