// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Fidel Castro Takes Over Cuba (1 janv. 1959 – 1 janv. 1980) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Fidel Castro Takes Over Cuba (1 janv. 1959 – 1 janv. 1980)


After taking power, Castro abolished legal discrimination, brought electricity to the countryside, provided for full employment and advanced the causes of education and health care, in part by building new schools and medical facilities. But he also closed down opposition newspapers, jailed thousands of political opponents and made no move toward elections. Moreover, he limited the amount of land a person could own, abolished private business and presided over housing and consumer goods shortages. With political and economic options so limited, hundreds of thousands of Cubans, including vast numbers of professionals and technicians, left Cuba, often for the United States.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 1959
1 janv. 1980
~ 21 years