// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Peter the Great (28 mai 1682 – 16 mars 1725) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Peter the Great (28 mai 1682 – 16 mars 1725)


- Traveled to W Eur., looking as Dutch shipyards and West tech
- Defeated Swedes in Great Northern War, put port on Baltic Sea
- Wanted to westernize Russia
- Nobles fought him
- Issued table of ranks, saying social status is based on rank in gov or military, not hereditary
- Made Russian navy
- Built St. Petersburg and moved capital
- Absolutist ruler
- Crushed streltsy rebellion after he came back from Eur
- Tried to make farming more advanced and efficient
- New engineering skills (making of St. Pet)
-Died from saving man in river
- Followed Louis XIV, built Peterhoff

Ajouté au bande de temps:


28 mai 1682
16 mars 1725
~ 42 years