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April 1, 2024

Pinturas negras (Black Paintings) (1 janv. 1823 av. J.-C. – 1 janv. 1819)


- The Black Paintings (Spanish: Pinturas negras) is the name given to a group of fourteen paintings by Francisco Goya from the later years of his life, likely between 1819 and 1823.
- In 1819, at the age of 72, Goya moved into a two-storey house outside Madrid that was called Quinta del Sordo (Deaf Man's Villa) and started painting these works on his walls.
- They portray intense, haunting themes, reflective of both his fear of insanity and his bleak outlook on humanity.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

11 nov. 2019


1 janv. 1823 av. J.-C.
1 janv. 1819
~ 3644 years

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