July 1, 2024

4 août 1992 - Severus goes to Burrow.


Severus Apparates to the Burrow, interrupting the family as they're cleaning up from eating. Arthur at first bars him entry, but Severus persists, insisting that he would like to speak to Harry privately. After Arthur relents, Severus leads Harry out into the yard, casting a privacy charm, then proceeds to tell him that his stunt worried his mother quiet a bit, when she woke up and found him gone. Severus asks what he was thinking, that prevented him from leaving at least some kind of note. Harry reluctantly states that he just needed time away, and the Weasleys presented an ideal opportunity. he admits he didn't think to leave a note at all, having never really needed to do so before. Snape questions if he used to make a habit of disappearing in the middle of the night without a word, and Harry snaps that he'd never had the opertunity to leave with friends before because he didn't have any before. Snape is silent, then admits he was supposed to return him home, as he'd told Lily, but he thought that some time away from them might help him sort out his thoughts. He tells Harry that he should owl them whenever he wanted to return home. Harry just nods, secretly irritated, and watches Snape leave.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


4 août 1992
~ Il y a 31 ans